We are required to give you this warning under section 13.04, subdivision 2 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act ("Act"). The State of Minnesota through its e-licensing portal collects information (data), to make determinations regarding the eligibility for licensure and to investigate individuals applying for licensure in the State of Minnesota. The information collected for licensure purposes may be classified as "private," other than names and designated addresses submitted by applicants for licenses. The information collected such as the identity of complainants who have made reports concerning licensees or applicants which appear in inactive complaint data, the nature or content of unsubstantiated complaints, the identity of patients whose medical records are received by any health licensing agency for purposes of review or in anticipation of a contested matter, and inactive investigative data relating to violations of statutes or rules, and the record of any disciplinary proceeding, except those specified under Minn. Stat. 13.41, subd. 5 as "public," are classified as "private" data under the Act. Collecting this information is necessary to license applicants and to investigate and resolve complaints. The information you provide will be accessible to staff, board, and designees of the Office of the Attorney General for whom it is reasonably necessary for them to perform their duties related to licensing and complaint investigation and resolution. In the event a complaint results in public disciplinary or corrective action, the information you provide may become public. The identification of the complainant is always maintained as "confidential" data under the Act. You may refuse to supply private or confidential data, however, this may impact your ability to obtain a license from the State of Minnesota, or the ability to investigate and resolve a complaint.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is required to give you this warning under section 13.04, subdivision 2 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). MnDOT collects information (data) on the employees of contractors as part of its workforce compliance efforts. Data collected for this purpose may be classified by the MGDPA as "private.” This includes the social security numbers and personal contact information of employees. Collecting this data is necessary to comply with state and federal workforce requirements. The information you provide will be accessible to MnDOT employees whose job assignments reasonably require access, to anyone you specifically authorize, pursuant to court order, and by any other person or entity authorized by state or federal law (e.g., Attorney General’s Office, Legislative Auditor’s Office, and law enforcement agencies).