Governor's International Trade Awards Luncheon 2023

Governor's International Trade Awards Luncheon 2023


  • 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM            Registration and Networking

    12:00 – 1:30 PM                    Program and Luncheon

    1:30 PM                                 Adjourn


  • 12/8/2023 - 12/4/2023
  • Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom
    5418 Wayzata Blvd.
    Golden Valley, MN 55416
  • 651-259-7499
  • This event is sold out as of Monday, December 4, 2023. Please reach out to Molly Rabbit at with any questions.

    The Minnesota Trade Office (MTO) is delighted to invite you to join Governor Tim Walz, Commissioner Matt Varilek of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and Commissioner Thom Petersen of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), at a luncheon event to honor this year’s recipients of the Governor’s International Trade Awards. These prestigious awards recognize Minnesota companies that have shown exceptional progress and success in exports to foreign markets, as well as foreign-owned companies that have made significant economic contributions through their investments in the state.

    This year also marks the 40th Anniversary since the MTO was established in 1983! As a showcase of our services, we are thrilled that the MTO’s foreign office representatives from Canada, the European Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, and our partner offices through the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers (GSGP) will be attending the event to meet with companies that are interested in exploring or expanding sales in these markets. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet our MTO team and foreign office representatives in-person to discuss your export assistance needs.

    Minnesota exports and foreign investment play an important role in the state’s economic growth. In 2022, state exports of agricultural, mining, and manufactured goods to foreign countries reached a record high of $27 billion. Exports of goods supported an estimated 117,900 jobs statewide. In addition, foreign-owned companies operating in Minnesota had $36.7 billion invested in plant, property and equipment and generated 171,600 jobs for Minnesotans in 2020. These companies represented about 40 countries from around the world and operated at over 900 business locations in Minnesota.

    Please join us at this celebration of the recipients of the Governor’s International Trade Awards and overall recognition of the tremendous positive impact that globally engaged Minnesota and foreign-owned businesses have on the state’s economy!


    • $60.00 if registered by Friday, December 1
    • $75.00 after December 1
    • $420.00 Corporate Table (8 Seats)

    Note: Pre-registration is required and no walk-ins will be allowed. 



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